On May 8, Bloomberg News published an article by Bob Drummond about how more jobs have been created while Democrats were in the presidency from 1961-2012. This article, which was also discussed on dailybeast.com on May 10, not only references the recent growth in jobs, which have been less than expected, but also looks at the past. Clinton’s presidency is the main focus when Drummond examines the past. Bloomberg News created a graph like the second one below. However, we wanted to take the news outlet’s idea one step farther. Below you will see a bar chart where the number of private jobs created during each presidency is in sequential form, but separated by party. There is also a pie chart that shows the total number of private jobs created during Democrat and Republican presidencies from 1961-2012.
The Bloomberg article can be found here.
The Daily Beast article can be found here.
Check here to see a more thorough outlook on job creation during the Bush administration.
These charts show the number of private sector jobs created by each presidency, starting with John F. Kennedy and ending with the current president, Barack Obama. According to the information provided from Bloomberg, citing the U.S. Department of Labor, Democrats created the most jobs during this 51-year time span. Democrats created about 42 million private jobs while Republicans created about 24 million.
Bill Clinton’s presidency, from 1993 to 2001, created the most private jobs. During George W. Bush’s eight years as president, there was a loss in private sector job growth. Obama has created the least amount of private jobs for a Democrat so far; his first term as president will end in 2013.