The total number of COVID cases in Michigan increased to 33,966 on April 22 (Chart 1), compared to 32,967 the day before; this was a 999 daily case increase. This was equivalent to 340 cases per 100,000 people (Chart 2) on April 22.
The total number of COVID cases reported to date in the City of Detroit exceeded 8,000 on April 22; the City reported 8,026 COVID cases. Wayne County (excluding Detroit) had 6,535 cases, Oakland County had 6,436 cases, and Macomb County had 4,628 cases (Chart 3). The number of confirmed cases in Washtenaw, Livingston, Monroe and St. Clair counties combined totaled 1,738—this was only 27 new cases total for those four counties.
The daily data highlighted in these posts is from, where data is updated daily at 3 p.m. Historical data was supplied from, which republishes COVID data from the State.

The City of Detroit showed total COVID per capita cases of 1,193 per 100,000 people on April 23, an increase from 1,175 the day before (Chart 4). Wayne County reported 972 cases per 100,000 people, and Oakland County’s cases per 100,000 was 961. Macomb County had 688 COVID cases per 100,000 people. Each county and Detroit experienced increases between April 21 and 22, but Wayne County experienced the largest with an increase of 28.
Chart 5 shows that the daily increases in the number of new COVID cases. New cases decreased for Detroit and Macomb County between April 21 and 22, while it increased for Oakland and Wayne counties. Wayne County reported 184 new cases on April 22-the highest number of new cases,-and Oakland County reported 154 new COVID cases. The number of new cases in Oakland County consistently decreased between April 14 and April 20; that changed on April 21. Detroit reported 122 new cases, a decrease from the 168 new cases reported on April 21, and Oakland County reported 84 new cases, which was a decrease from the 119 new cases reported the day before.
Detroit and Macomb County also experienced a decrease in the number of new COVID cases per 100,000 people on April 22. For Detroit, the rate of new COVID cases per 100,000 people was 18 on April 22 and the rate for Macomb County was 10. In Wayne County, the rate for new COVID cases per 100,000 people was 17 and the rate was 12 for Oakland County (Chart 6).

In addition to the raw data of confirmed cases, we also show the percent change in the number of cases reported day-to-day. In Chart 7 we see the raw data in the percent change, which shows that on April 22 the percent change from April 21 was 3 percent; this was the same as it was on April 21.

It was reported by the State of Michigan that on April 22 the total of COVID-19 deaths reached 2,813 (Chart 8). This was a 4.9 percent increase from April 21 and about half of what the percent change in daily death deaths was on April 21 (9.4%) (Chart 9). The 2,813 total deaths reported for April 22 was 113 deaths higher than what was reported on April 21 (Chart 10).
Of the total deaths reported, neither Detroit nor any of the seven counties experienced an increase above 30 more deaths between April 21 and April 22. Macomb County had the highest number of new daily COVID deaths on April 22 at 28; this brought Macomb County’s total number of deaths to 473. Detroit still has the highest number of total deaths; it has accumulated 747 as of April 22, with an increase of 19 new deaths. In Wayne County the number of COVID deaths increased by 22 to 572, and Oakland County’s death toll reached 529, an increase of 23. Each governmental entity experienced a decrease in the number of new deaths between April 21 and April 22; Detroit had the largest decrease with 19 new deaths being reported on April 22 after reporting 87 on April 21. The large difference for Detroit is likely due to the new deaths discovered reported on April 21 as a result of comparing death certificates and confirmed COVID cases in the State’s reporting system. The timeline for the total COVID deaths by county can be seen in Chart 11, and Chart 13 shows the daily increases.
The cumulative number of COVID fatalities per 100,000 people was 111 for Detroit, 85 for Wayne County, 79 for Oakland County and 70 for Macomb County. Detroit has experienced the sharpest increase in recent days. (Chart 12).

Charts 14 and 15 show the case death rates for the State of Michigan and for Detroit and the seven counties in Southeastern Michigan. To determine the rates we divided the reported deaths from each day by the number of total COVID cases each day.
On April 22 the COVID case fatality rate in Michigan was 8.3 percent; this was only a 0.1 percent increase for the day before.
The fatality rate in Macomb County reached 10 percent on April 22, the highest it has been for the county and regionally. Macomb County’s fatality rate is also above the State’s, as is Detroit’s and Wayne County’s. The fatality rate for Detroit was 9.3 percent on April 22. The fatality rate in Wayne County was 8.8 percent, and it was 8.2 percent in Oakland County. Livingston and Monroe counties were the only two to experience a decrease in fatality rates.

While the numbers show a continued slowing in the spread of the virus, Gov. Gretchen Whitmore acknowledged that more robust testing is needed. She also stated the likelihood of another extended Stay at Home Order, to some degree, is high. Such actions will continue to slow the spread of the virus.