The total number of COVID cases in Michigan increased to 27,001 (Chart 1), which was equivalent to 270 cases per 100,000 people (Chart 2) on April 14. Of those total COVID cases, the City of Detroit had 7,004 cases, Oakland County had 5,364 cases, Wayne County (excluding Detroit) had 5,002 cases and Macomb County had 3,620 cases (Chart 3). The number of confirmed cases in Washtenaw, Livingston, Monroe and St. Clair counties combined totaled 1,471, with Washtenaw County accounting for 772 of those cases, according to the most recent data from the State.
The daily data highlighted in these posts is from Historical data was supplied from, which republishes COVID data from the State.

In Chart 4 we see that the City of Detroit has consistently had the highest number of COVID cases per 100,000 people, which was a rate of 1,004 on April 14. Oakland County had the second highest rate at 797 cases per 100,000 people and Wayne County (excluding Detroit) had 774 cases. Macomb County had 538 COVID cases per 100,000 people.
Chart 5 shows that Detroit experienced a decrease in the number of new daily confirmed cases from April 13 to April 14 while Wayne, Oakland and Macomb experienced increases. Wayne County had the highest number of new cases on April 14 at 338, followed by Oakland County with 291 new cases. Detroit reported 223 new cases on April 14, a decrease from the 279 new COVID cases reported on April 13. Macomb County reported 202 new cases on April 14.
When looking at new COVID cases on a per capita basis, the data shows that Detroit continues to have the highest rates (Chart 6). According to the data, on April 14 Detroit had 33 new COVID cases per 100,000 people and Wayne County had 31. Oakland and Macomb counties each had 23 new COVID cases per 100,000 people on April 14.

In addition to the raw data of confirmed cases, we also show the percent change in the number of cases reported day-to-day. For Michigan, the largest percent change thus far reported was on March 19 at 320 percent-this increase was also likely related to an increase in the number of available tests at that time. On April 14 the percent change from April 13 was 5.33 percent, an increase from the day’s prior change of 4 percent. Recall that the state has reported that new tests are being implemented, so this increase could be a result of this. Test more; find more cases.

It was reported by the State of Michigan that on April 14 the total of COVID-19 deaths reached 1,768. This was a percent change of 10.4 percent from April 13, which was an increase from the 7.7 percent increase of the day prior (Chart 9). The 1,768 total deaths reported for April 14 was 166 deaths higher than what was reported on April 13 (Chart 10). The new deaths reported on April 14 was the second day of increases; both April 13 and April 14 had more than 100 new COVID deaths each day.
Of the total deaths reported, Detroit continues to make up the majority of them. On April 14, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services reported 427 total deaths in Detroit-the highest total number of deaths in one city or county in the state. Wayne County, excluding Detroit, continued to have a higher number of total deaths than Oakland County. On April 14 there were 393 COVID deaths in Wayne County and 364 deaths in Oakland County (Chart 11). The data shows that number of COVID deaths may be slowing in Oakland County, at least compared to the rate of deaths in Wayne County.
On a per capita basis, per 100,000 people, Detroit also continues to have the highest number of deaths per 100,000 people at 63 (Chart 12). The rate of COVID deaths in Macomb County has increased by 12 in just the last two days. On April 12 there 32 COVID deaths per 100,000 people in Macomb County and on April 14 that had increased to 44.
Macomb County also had the highest of new daily COVID deaths for April 14 at 53; just two days prior (April 12) 8 deaths were reported for Macomb County. In Detroit there were 31 new COVID deaths, a continued increase since April 12. In Wayne County a decrease in the number of new deaths continued with 28 being reported for April 14. Oakland County had 17 deaths on April 14.
Even though Detroit still has the highest total number of deaths, the increases in deaths in places such as Macomb County highlights that the virus is spreading out of the urban core and into the suburbs.

Despite some saying that Michigan is turning the corner, there is little evidence to this effect. Deaths, our strongest indicator, are still climbing steadily. Bridge Magazine cited Michigan as having the highest number of coronavirus deaths per capita and Deadline Detroit said Michigan has conducted the fewest number of tests per capita. Due to this gap in testing we may see the number of deaths per confirmed case be much greater than other states, and we anticipate that the number of confirmed cases may rise due to testing but the true infection rate may not be rising or rising as quickly. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has recently authorized additional testing criteria and sites and many more will likely be getting tested.
According to Whitmer, all projections regarding the apex of the curve and when it will flatten are based on social distancing and as many people remaining home as possible. Now is not a time to loosen up on any restrictions you have been following.