Analysis of pedestrian and bicycle crash incidents around Detroit schools

Pedestrian and bicycle crash incidents, K-8 schools Detroit, 2008-2010


The image above portrays the spatial distribution of pedestrian and bicycle crashes within one mile of several K-8 school. For the years 2008-2010, there were a total of 388 bicycle and 1,414 pedestrian crash incidents. These resulted in 89 fatalities and 1,339 injuries. “Hotspots” (significant clusters of high number of crashes-red) were observed in the northeast and southwest part of the city. On the other hand, “coldspots” (significant clusters of low number of crashes-blue) were observed in the northwest part of the city. They were also somewhat clustered in the mid-central part of the city.


The table above shows the number of pedestrian and bicycle crash incidents that occurred within one  mile of a kindergarten through eighth (K-8) grade school in the City of Detroit from 2008 to 2010. Each school shown in this chart had at least 10 incidents occur in that time frame;  Priest Elementary School recorded the highest crash count with 15.

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